Drug & Alcohol Support

  • If you want to stop taking drugs, your GP can tell you about the treatment options and services available. They can also refer you for treatment.

    Support available:

    NHS Support

    MIND - Addiction & Dependency Resources

    FRANK: Is a support service that provides information about drugs, plus advice for people who use drugs, and their parents or carers.

    Phone: 0300 123 66 00


    Release: offers free, confidential advice on drugs law for people who use drugs, and their families.

    Email: ask@release.org.uk or call the helpline: 020 7324 2989.

  • NHS Support

    ADFAM: has local support groups and helpful information online for families affected by drugs and alcohol.

    Find an Adfam support group near you


    DrugFAM: offers phone and email support to people affected by other people's drug or alcohol misuse.


    DrugFAM Helpline